(CUE UP: 'Climbing Up the Walls' by Radiohead...)
SAVAGE: Here we go again. We are about to be joined by one of our Co-Commissioner's... Former HEW Champion... Havoc.
CUTTER: He's been the target of a lot of heat both backstage and on the internet as of late... whatever he has to say, you can BET it'll be heavy.
(Havoc appears in the entryway to INSTANT boo's and taunts from the crowd. There are cheers mixed in, but, for the most part, they have been drowned out... Havoc wears a t-shirt which reads: 'Live... Breathe... Die. Z-RO.'. He walks to the ring with a confident grin on his face, and a microphone in hand.)
HAVOC: Hardcore Extreme Wrestling. I stand before you today... as once again YOUR Commissioner... and... as your Commissioner, or... heh... CO-Commissioner... I have certain duties to perform and am obligated to... BEHAVE a certain way... As a matter of fact... I've been asked, by the HEW Legal Team, not even to bring up HIS name. They don't even want me to TALK about HIM. Well... (Havoc smiles...)
SAVAGE: Oh, good lord... HAVOC: I think I'm going to ANYWAY. CUTTER: Can we please cut to commercial? (Havoc's smile is gone, replaced by a cold stare levelled straight at the camera...)
HAVOC: .......ZERO. Hide in your decrepit alley-way. Languish in your self-pitying bliss. Dwell on your past glory... and your MANY past FAILURES. I want you to WATCH me... week in... and week out on this very program... Zero Tolerance. I want you to watch me HURT, MANIPULATE, and, eventually, UTTERLY DESTROY some OTHER helpless wrestler. Some OTHER target of my aggression... because... if I can't have YOU in the ring, Zero... I guess I'll have to settle for--
(CUE UP: "Infected" by Bad Religion)
(The hum of the feedback from the theme begins to pulsate throughout the arena. The fans suddenly rush to their feet, knowing that the theme only signals one person. The ovation becomes deafening as the bass line and drums of "Infected" goes full blast. After two weeks, could this be it? Havoc, who wasn't even supposed to be in the HEW, had called Zero out on numerous occasions, knowing full well that Zero was no longer apart of the HEW. But now, as the fans chanted his name, and while his theme played through the arena, it was the moment of truth. Slowly, the fans see a hand grab ahold of the curtain. A wrist. Spiked bracelets. An elbow...a tattoo of a spider web adorning. With a quick tug, the curtain pulls back, and out steps....out steps the man who has been the focus of the tirade from the co-commissioner....the man the fans are starting to chant. Out steps Zero.
In the ring, as Havoc looks on, a sly grin encases his face, he paces back and forth... his eyes trained soley on the man in the entrance.
Zero begins a slow walk to the ring. His appearance has changed only slightly since his last encounter in professional wrestling. The black t-shirt remains, along with shin-length shorts and black combat boots. But his once trademark spikes of the hair has now been replaced with a solid black buzz. But he is still the one who Havoc has been obsessing over. Zero walks up to the ring, reaching the apron, but decides against it....and walks to ringside, grabbing a folding chair. Propping it up, he takes a seat, and removes a microphone from his back pocket.)
ZERO: " Is...." (Outbursts break out through the crowd, but quickly die down. Zero's eyes, dark and shadowed, look counter to Havoc.)
ZERO: " Is this what you wanted? Is this the grand goal and scheme that you so desired, Havoc? Is the bait finally acheiving it's set goal? Is me being here what you desire? Well, it's been a while. Not long enough. Only three days ago did I find out of the situation here. And no matter WHAT I was preoccupied with in Berkeley, and with or without a contract here in HEW, there was no way YOU, or anyone else for that matter, were going to see to it that you have the last say in something that I manifested, and destroyed.
" For over a year, we've have only had but differences. Never an agreement. No angles could bs their way into people thinking we're on the same side. No gimmick could transform what we have into a friendship. You can't hide pure aggresion. That is what we have, Havoc. This is what we will always be. There's no way around it. And quite frankly, I would have it no other way. But honestly, no matter how strong and what kind of feelings the memories might be, that is the past. I've had months to concentrate on a life far and away from normalcy of this wrestling ring. And quite frankly, I don't care anymore for it. You can take your hatred for me, bottle it up, and sell it for a $100 a bottle, and you still wouldn't get back the kind of money that would equal your desire to be me. You can have my left overs, because the HEW is now my past. "
(Zero tosses the microphone into the ring as a sharp but quick smirk passes through his eye. He looks to Havoc, and then begins to walk back towards the back. In the ring... Havoc seems insenced...)
HAVOC: " That's it, Lint. Run away. Run away from HEW, and me... like you did Karen and your hideous past. "
(Zero continues down the aisle. Havoc's pacing has halted. He stares at the back of Zero's head.)
HAVOC: " I've BEATEN you, Lint. Admit it. I've BEATEN you... and I've WON our little 'game'. I've DEFEATED you. So go ahead... Run the fuck away. "
(With that, Zero stops in his tracks. He then slowly, and deliberately turns around.)
HAVOC: " Run, Zero. Run. "
(Zero takes a moment to lock eyes with his nemesis... then begins to walk back towards the ring... the fans literally erupt...)
HAVOC: " That's it... come on. "
(Havoc stuffs the microphone in his back pocket as Zero slides into the ring... Havoc's shirt flies across the ring after he tears it off... He and Zero, again, glare at eachother as Zero gets in the ring.)
SAVAGE: " Fans... there's not much we can really say right now... this is... this is... "
MILLS: " Zero and Havoc are eye to eye!!! "
(Havoc pulls the mic back out of his pocket...)
HAVOC: " There's one thing you didn't take into account, old friend... something that you, of all people, should have seen coming... SECURITY!! Escort this filth out of MY arena!!! "
(Security immediately swarms the ring... restraining Zero from taking Havoc's head from his shoulders... Havoc just chuckles...)
HAVOC: " Welcome back, Zero!! Welcome HOME!!! "
CUTTER: " I'm speachless folks, I cant believe what a turn of events we saw just now. Zero and HaVoC? ZERO BACK IN THE HEW!! THE HARDEST TO THE CORE IS BACK, FINALLY!! "
MILLS: " I've heard of the legendary Zero, but I never knew his presence would bring soooo much trouble here in the HEW. All I can say is HaVoC's been asking for it and now he's finally gonna get it. "